Yea! It's the WEEKEND! But in all seriousness...

FINALLY it's Friday!

I don't know about you, but I didn't think this week would ever end!

Now I think I am caught up on all of my guest blog commitments except for an interview or two, so I may actually be able to get back to my current work in progress, another romantic suspense thriller The Widow.

Of course, all of this is assuming that my laptop doesn't decide to crash on me as it has TWICE in the last three months, so I will smudge it with sage and ask everyone to send it positive thoughts and good juju.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, though, allow me to tell you what I have for you today:

On Austen Authors, I have an Exquisite Excerpt from Pulse and Prejudice - at least I hope you will think it is exquisite! This is one of my favourite scenes because I incorporated an actual historical event - The Grand Jubilee - into Darcy's story. Check it out here.

Also, for any authors out there or anyone interested in the writing process, I have an essay in the Savvy Authors journal about how attitudes toward narrators have evolved and changed since the advent of the novel, entitled "The Invisible Author" in case you want to check it out.

Oh, and I do have that fun little interview for Vision and Verse from yesterday as well.

Regarding my radio interview last night on Write on the Edge with Wt Prater: If you missed it, no worries. Through the magic of modern technology, you can still listen to it here. Now I do not do well being recorded - in fact, it causes me tremendous anxiety - but after a Xanax and a glass of wine, I managed to get though it.  Have a listen! I'm sure I come across sounding just like Hemingway.... Be warned, though, at one point I do quote one of the characters from my new novel and his term for a certain part of his body. His word - not mine!

Next week, I think I have another guest spot as well as an interview, PLUS Sally Smith O'Rourke will be joining me for Coffee on Tuesday! You won't want to miss that.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, free from any and all technological problems!


The Novels of Colette L. Saucier

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