Can't Get Enough? Authors After Dark Spotlight Interview

Good morning, dear readers! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I must say, I love Depeche Mode. Violator may be one of my favorite albums of all time. That having been said, I fear I must admit, this was not love at first song. I did - and do - despise "Just Can't Get Enough." I found it annoying to the point of being insipid. As it was their first big single, I didn't think I could ever possibly change my opinion of a band that could spew such pablum. Then, of course, "Personal Jesus" changed all that.

Hence, I appreciate the irony that you've probably had just about enough of me lately! With the release of Alicia's Possession, the upcoming conferences where I am a featured author, and other commitments I had made long ago without regard for scheduling, I have had a succession of guest appearances of late. Even I am tired of hearing about me! So I have at least tried to offer variety as disparate as "People Are People" and "Precious" (two wildly different Depeche Mode songs, by the way).....

Authors After Dark

I am thrilled to be a Featured Author at this year's Authors After Dark Convention in August, so of course I couldn't say no when Official Blogger Mama Kitty requested an interview; but when she asked me say a little about myself, I rhapsodized long about my love affair with cheese.

She also asked me a bunch of other questions about my writing process, what I wanted to be when I was a little girl, if I prefer peanut butter or jelly. So if you are not completely sick of me, I hope you'll stop by her Authors After Dark Spotlight Interview.

Everything Else

Just in case you have missed any of my other recent guest appearances and you really just can't get enough!

I am "Write On the Edge" with a rather wine-soaked interview on BlogTalkRadio with Wt Prater.
PLUS I'm giving away TWO FREE EBOOKS - just leave a comment here on Wt Prater's blog!

I have an Exquisite Excerpt on Austen Authors  — a scene from Pulse and Prejudice in which I wove a monumental historical celebration - The Grand Jubilee - into Mr. Darcy's search for Wickham and Lydia.

Vision and Verse interviewed me about everything from writers' block to my favorite band (and, no, it's not Depeche Mode!).

Savvy Authors invited me to write an article for them, and I chose to discuss how attitudes toward narrators have evolved and changed since the advent of the novel, entitled "The Invisible Author" in case you want to check it out.

And finally.... Wild About Bones Presents is featuring an excerpt from Alicia's Possession!

Tomorrow - enough about me!  Please join us for Coffee when my guest will be Sally Smith O'Rourke!


The Novels of Colette L. Saucier

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