Darcy, Byron, and Vampires at the Dark Jane Austen Book Club

Today I am a guest at the Dark Jane Austen Book Club discussing the inspiration for Pulse and Prejudice, their featured selection for February. Be sure to pop over there for a chance to win a signed copy...

In this, the bicentennial anniversary of what is arguably the most beloved novel of all time, I am asked with increasing frequency, what on Earth possessed me to write a vampire adaptation of Pride and Prejudice? Often this is asked of avowed Jane Austen devotees with a tone of incredulity, if not outright scorn. I would like to take this opportunity to put that question to rest:  Lord Byron made me do it.

Leave a comment on the Dark Jane Austen Book Club website 
for your chance to win a signed copy of Pulse and Prejudice.


Check back here on Thursday for a special Vampire Valentines Day post and giveaway for the Vampire Bite Blog Hop.
Thursday at 9:30 pm EST, I will be interviewed by Elaine Raco Chase for The Author's Corner on Triangle Variety Radio. Listen to the show by going to www.trianglevarietyradio.com. Scroll down and click the silver On Blog Talk Radio silver bar, and that brings you into the outer studio and a red light that says ON THE AIR.
The League of British Actors Valentine Giveaway is going on now through February 20th, so click on over there for a chance to win one of two dozen books, including All My Tomorrows and Pulse and Prejudice!

 And don't forget to click on the Pulse and Prejudice Pop Culture Challenge for your chance to win an iPad4 PLUS a Cash Jackpot!

The Novels of Colette L. Saucier

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