Thursday Thirteen - 13 useless items I own

Welcome to the Thursday Thirteen for December 6, 2012!

Here are 13 useless items (out of hundreds) I own. I did not include small kitchen appliances as that could be a future Thursday 13 on its own.

1. Manual Coffee Grinder - I don't even use my electric coffee grinder.
2. Cassette Tapes - We literally have well over a hundred of these, but no player.
3. Absinthe Spoons - I purchased a set of 6 of these when I got a bottle of absinthe when it first came out. I had no idea it tasted like liquorice.  I hate liquorice. And I hate absinthe.

4. Tortilla Keeper - This is meant to keep tortillas warm at the table while assembling Mexican fare. This purchase assured that I would never make fajitas or soft tacos again.
5. Bagel slicer - Likewise, once purchased, we never had unsliced bagels again.
6. Random Unidentifiable Keys
7. Salt Cellar - Hey - Did you know they have salt shakers now??
8. Magic Wand from Ollivanders - This would not have been useless IF it had worked!
9. 35 mm Camera - Reminiscent of a simpler time when one had only to buy film, insert it in the camera, take pictures, remove film and take it to a drug store or similar, fill out a paper envelop into which the film was placed, and then return for photos in an hour (or a week), only to find most of the pictures had either a thumb or the camera strap in them.
10. Um...yeah. Plastic Balls on Braided Cords - I think you're supposed to spin them around or something. No idea.
11. Colored Fashion Eyelashes - Well, they ARE black & gold, so I suppose I COULD wear them to a Saints, no. Useless.
12. Optical Device for Looking Around Corners - Just in case I ever want to be a the 1890s.
13. Crocheted French Poodle Tea Cozy - For keeping a teapot warm with style!

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