Santa Six Sentence Sunday December 23rd, 2012

Merry Christmas, everyone!

The following is from one of the more lighthearted scenes from Pulse and Prejudice, the paranormal adaptation of the Jane Austen classic, which tells the story of Mr. Darcy, vampire. It takes place immediately after last week's Six Sentence Sunday, when Darcy spied Elizabeth at the theatre in London.

The pup Amadeus is the only character in the novel drawn from someone in my real life, my darling, extremely annoying PBGV. OK, so maybe I am using this as an excuse to post this adorable picture of him with Santa, but can you blame me?

If you would like to read the full scene, click here for the special excerpt posted for his birthday (with more photos!).

Naughty or nice?
Darcy did not recognize the sound of rapid claws on parquet, which rang out when the butler opened the door at Calmet House; and he stood in perfect astonishment as a short, wiry ragamuffin of a dog barreled around the staircase and slid to a quivering stop at their feet.

"Amadeus!" proclaimed the Comtesse, at which point the animal immediately began barking in a loud and impassioned bale at the strangers before him. Darcy at first recoiled then felt foolish and composed himself. "Amadeus—être tranquille!"

Indeed, the dog appeared to understand, as the ear-splitting noise ceased and he sat on his rump, his white wiry tail sweeping semi-circles on the floor behind him. Darcy gaped in disbelief as the Comtesse de Calmet bent down to the animal and allowed him to lick her chin as she smiled and whispered odd French phrases.

"What manner of beast is this?" asked Fitzwilliam, a laugh in his voice. "He looks like a cross between a beagle and a...bristle brush."
Available now in print and eBook.  Please find more information, reviews, and excerpts at

For more Six Sentence Sunday snippets from other fabulous authors, please go to:


  1. Animals make characters in books come alive, much like people in life.

  2. I agree with Paloma. Just like in real life, they bring joy to all kinds of situations. Fun 6.

  3. Cute! I love Darcy's final comment on the dog's looks. haha!


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