The Passions of Dr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan

Coffee with Colette
Good morning, dear readers! This week, fellow Austen Author, the beautiful and talented Sharon Lathan, has dropped by for Coffee with Colette. Sharon is the author of so many wonderful and popular Austen-inspired novels, she's going to tell you why her latest release - The Passions of Dr. Darcy - is her favourite! After you read it, maybe it will be yours, too. I was hooked the moment I heard the title, and anyone who knows me - or at least my tattoos! - is familiar with my fascination with India. You won't want to miss the thrilling adventure Sharon has in store for us!

Top Ten Reasons Why The Passions of Dr. Darcy is Sharon’s Favorite

Authors are proud of every book they write (usually), and I can emphatically state that I am immensely pleased with my previous seven publications. I strongly believe I have done Jane Austen proud with my continuation to Pride and Prejudice. Therefore, it isn’t a negative reflection upon The Darcy Saga when I declare that my latest novel, The Passions of Dr. Darcy - release date TODAY! - is my absolute favorite novel and the one I am the most proud of.

10.  It is the latest one. Okay, this is kinda true for all authors: The latest release is always the favorite!

9.  It is set in India. Yes, there are loads of places in our world that are exotic, so I could have chosen Hawaii or the Orient. Then I envisioned the Taj Mahal and centuries of Persian influence, mixed with the colorful clothing and tropical climes.... India won out.

8.  The interconnections of England and India. I am not hugely interested in writing political intrigue, yet there is no doubt that the influence (good and bad) of England upon India’s culture is historically significant. Touching upon that, even a little, was rewarding.

7.  Past Darcy family members are enhanced. A great thrill for me in writing The Darcy Saga has been expanding upon Fitzwilliam Darcy’s family. Characters I have created and those hinted at by Jane Austen, are highlighted even more in this novel. We see Fitzwilliam and Georgiana as children. We meet James and Anne Darcy, Fitzwilliam’s beloved grandfather, and even Alex.

6.  Pemberley history is broadened. Always I have strived to show Pemberley as if a real place with an extensive history. In this novel I was able to dwell in the Pemberley “past” while recounting important events, such as the deaths of Mr. Darcy the elder and Lady Anne Darcy.

5.  Medicine is a main plot point. I am an RN, so medical history is a passion. In this case, I wanted to show that just because it is two-hundred years before “modern” medicine, not all medical practitioners were ignorant quacks. Knowledge in the healing arts isn’t something that burst into existence fifty years ago, and I hope readers come away with a greater appreciation for ancient medicine and the constantly evolving path.

4.  The research kicked my butt! This novel was, hand’s down, the toughest to research. Not saying I didn’t enjoy learning all I did, but it was SO hard. Finally getting a handle on it, and then presenting it within the pages, is something I am still patting my back over!

3.  The characters are ALL MINE. I love enhancing Austen’s characters, believe me, but it is slightly restricting. In this novel, every character is of my creation. What a liberating joy!

2.  The journey with Dr. Darcy was amazing. My heart’s desire for a long, long time was to fill in the blanks of his life. As much as I wanted to do this, I never suspected how truly incredible it would be to live and travel with him. George taught me SO much! I am the fortunate one to have met him and am honored to share his tale with the rest of the world.

1.  The novel stars George Darcy. Simply put, George is barrels of fun to hang out with. If you have read my previous novels, you know exactly what I mean. If not, then what are you waiting for?!

The Darcy Saga
The Passions of Dr. Darcy is officially released today, April 2nd. Available in print and digital formats everywhere books are sold, online (including Amazon and Barnes & Noble) and in stores. Reading the previous novels in my Darcy Saga series is not necessary to enjoy this novel, although I certainly do hope reading about George makes everyone want to pick up my others!

Thanks to dear Colette for hosting me today. I am also celebrating on my own blog, with giveaways too. Yea!

The Passions of Dr. Darcy synopsis:

George Darcy is the second son of a wealthy landowner in Georgian Era England. At 22 he is one of the youngest medical doctorate graduates of Cambridge University and admitted licentiate from the London Royal College of Physicians, and thus considered a brilliant, rising star in England’s field of medicine. Yet Dr. Darcy refuses the easy, comfortable pathway and enlists as a physician with the British East India Company, embarking on a personal quest to broaden his education and practice his craft without the restraints imposed by British society.

The Passions of Dr. Darcy spans thirty-four years in the life of this incredible, eccentric man. Using vivid descriptions of the culture and atmosphere, the story traces his early steps as a new doctor in a strange land on to his eventual return to England and his childhood home decades later. This is a story of India and the people as well as of the diseases and medical care available. Primarily, however, this is the story of one man who strived to change the face of medicine while yearning to fill the void left within his soul upon the death of his identical twin when they were twelve. His search for family, enduring love, and lost companionship is a quest not wholly realized until returning to England and Pemberley. There a new generation of family and friends will heal the physician, and to his greatest surprise, the true love of his life awaits.

About Sharon Lathan

Sharon Lathan is the bestselling author (over 200,000 copies sold throughout the world) of The Darcy Saga sequel series to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Her novels include Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Loving Mr. Darcy, My Dearest Mr. Darcy, In the Arms of Mr. Darcy, The Trouble With Mr. Darcy, A Darcy Christmas, Miss Darcy Falls in Love, and The Passions of Dr. Darcy. She and fellow novelist Abigail Reynolds formed the Austen Authors blog, where over 20 published writers share their love of Jane Austen. In addition to her writing, she works as a Registered Nurse in a Neonatal ICU.

For more information about Sharon, the Regency Era, and her novels, visit her website/blog at: or search for her on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Good Morning!

    At least it is morning here in Austria; I am really excited about this book for several reasons: Because Sharon Lathan is one of my favourite authors and a wonderful jady, because I love the Darcys and because I am very fond of history, especially everything connected with England.
    And Sharon told us why we have to read this book; she gave us the 10 best reasons and reason 11 could be to have a great time with George and his family!


    1. A great time with George is definitely a superb reason to love this novel, Susanne! Not always is his life's journey lighthearted, but even amid the sadness you can count on George to have a humorous quip at the ready.

      I hope you get your copy soon. Keep me posted! And thanks so much for the kind words. Love you lots, Sharon

  2. Thanks so much for hosting me, Colette. I could have written many, many more reasons why this novel is so special to me, but "Top Ten" is the norm so I stuck with that. LOL!

  3. I'm saving this book for tomorrow. I've read every other part of it already, studied the map, and avoided the story. Tomorrow I have all day and night to read! YAY!!!
    Thanks, Sharon! I've loved the little tidbits you've shown us along the way. I can't wait to dive in and get lost in George's story.

    1. Rats, it didn' put my name in here, but it is I, Roz, Sharon!

    2. From now on I am going to call you: b1b0c2ea-503f-11e1-a97e-000bcdcb5194

      It has a nice ring to it! LOL!

      Thanks Roz! Don't stay up too late! Hugs, Sharon


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