Yes, I'm STILL Here! #BadBlogger #AuthorAnarchy #BookingInBiloxi #Alliteration

Gentle readers~

I know I have become a terribly neglectful blogger. I have gone from posting dozens of blogs each year to only seven last year; and I think this may be only my third of 2017!

What can I say? Blogging requires two items of which I am in short supply:  time and patience. If it also required money, I would have the trifecta!

Yet I have not completely disappeared. For anyone in the Gulf Coast area: I will be signing books this Saturday, March 25th, at the IP Casino Resort in Biloxi with over fifty other authors - and tickets are on $5! If you are able, I hope you will come see me. I will also have my novels available as eBooks - both ePub and mobi - on flash drives with darling little book charms!

I may be having a difficult time blogging, but fortunately I do know quite a few other authors; and I love to host them on my blog (check them out here). I hate to promote myself, although it probably doesn't seem that way; but I think writers need to stick together and support one another! The amazing Shannon Winslow will be here with a special guest post tomorrow, and you don't want to miss it.

I must confess, my own writing has taken the back burner of late, although one of my pseudonyms will be publishing a trio of novellas later this year. Last year I finally completed Book 2 of The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire - Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth; but the time and energy I spent on research and writing really took it out of me. Thank heavens it was a success, or I might have thrown in the towel completely. Instead, now I have readers begging me for a third novel in the series! I refuse to confirm nor to deny that there will be another installment, but I do have plot bunnies hopping in my my head... 

By the way, you still have one more day to leave a comment on my guest post for Darcyholic Diversion to win a $10 Amazon gift card - plus I discuss my inspirations for the novel and include fun excerpt!

If you like giveaways, be sure to leave a comment on my other recent blog post for the paperback release of The Widow, and you could win your own very own copy!

So if I'm not writing (as Colette, at least), what have I been doing? Well, I definitely have not been taking care of my web page! If you clicked the link for colettesaucier dot com above, you will notice how out of date it is. The host company "upgraded" my website, so now I can't even log in! Instead, I updated this blog, although this new theme requires a treasure map to find the menu (on the home page, in the upper left). I hope you like it!

I am also going back to school to become a gynecologist. Wait, no. That's not right... a genealogist! That's it. I have always loved history, and for almost three decades I have been enamored with one one particular historian (yes, I mean my husband!); so once I complete my certification, I will be merging those interests into a new avenue for my writing. This is just a temporary "landing page" for my new website: 

In other developments, my youngest daughter is getting married later this year! Plus, on a less positive note, I have had to contend not only with ongoing health issues, including about six months with shingles, but also the obscene douche-bagishness of my ex-husband. Believe me: The shingles aren't nearly as horrific as my ex! By the way, I highly recommend that everyone get the shingles vaccine.  Alas, there is no inoculation against malignant narcissists.

So I hope you will forgive my negligence of this blog over the last year, and I beg your forgiveness for my anticipated continued neglectfulness in the coming months. I'm still here and working my ass off!



The Novels of Colette L. Saucier

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