Sweet Talk ~ Seven Words for My Sexy Saturday Excerpt & Labor Day Sale

Good morning, dear readers! It's time for a NEW My Sexy Saturday ~ PLUS I have a special sale for this long Labor Day Weekend!

This week’s theme is Talk Sexy to Me!

We know all about talking sexy to me. We know that lovers have a special language that only two of them share. The hidden looks, the longing gaze, the love shining in their eyes all accompanied by those sexy, sexy words. Sometimes, they are whispered, sometimes spoken aloud and occasionally shouted from rooftops.
The Widow is a noir romantic thriller, and in keeping with that genre, the hero and the heroine are flawed, complex characters. He is cynical and incapable of trusting anyone. She is disillusioned and self-destructive, to the point of considering sacrificing herself for an assignment they both know will degrade her.

They have only one hope to cling to: Each other. If you read last week's excerpt for Sexy has It, it has the love and the power to melt the world away.

Now the rules of My Sexy Saturday are simple:
          Post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words ONLY.

I admit, I do occasionally fudge a bit if a sentence is a single word or similar; but today is easy. Being an upper class Connecticut girl who just bumbled her way into marriage in a Mexican drug cartel, Catherine speaks and understands little Spanish. When David cannot bring himself to open his heart to her, he tells her the seven words that, if she knew, would reveal all....

“Tu eres en mi cariño siempre amor.”

“Tu eres en mi cariño siempre amor.”

Seeing as I did write a blog post comparing writing a novel to child birth,
it seemed fitting to have a LABOR DAY sale! (Oh, stop groaning...)
http://www.colettesaucier.com/viuda-the-widow/All eBooks of The Widow are 40% off through Monday Only!  
Only  $2.99 on AmazonUS    UK    CA    AU   IN    Barnes & Noble   
Kobo    iBooks    Inktera     AllRomance eBooks
About The Widow

NOTE: This is a noir romantic suspense. Contains strong language and intense sexual situations.

What is Noir Fiction?

Please visit all the authors for this week's My Sexy Saturday blog hop!


The Novels of Colette L. Saucier

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