Sensual Seducer or Alpha-Male: Coffee with SOULFIRE author Juliette Cross!
Good morning, dear readers!
I hope you are drinking coffee with chicory this morning because I am hosting another Louisiana author this week! Last week we visited with Scarlet Hawthorne for the cover reveal of her new novel Deadline. (Scarlet will be back for Cocktails on Thursday.) Today I am excited to have Juliette Cross back! She was here having Coffee for the cover reveal of Forged in Fire (be sure to check it out if you missed it), and this morning she is here with her highly-acclaimed Soulfire, the first installment of her Nightwing Series.
This morning she is here to talk about a subject after my own heart: the hero of a romance novel! She compares the "sensual seducer" with the alpha-male. Personally, I prefer a hero who begins as a sensual seducer and becomes an alpha-male! In the magical world she has created, I think Juliette has nailed it with Lucius. You have got to read this story to decide for yourself! Which kind of hero do you prefer?

 Hardcore Alpha vs. Sensual Seducer romance-loving friends and I debate all the time over which kind of leading man is more alluring. While I tend to veer toward the alpha just about every time, I do love the teasing sensual seducer as well. Let’s do a little compare/contrast, shall we? 

First, our seducer has patience. Our alpha clearly doesn’t even know the definition of the word. The alpha has one goal—her—and he wants her NOW. No bed required—a good, sturdy wall will do (or desk, pool table, whatever). On the other hand, the seducer is a master of the art of seduction, savoring the slow, tantalizing love-play. For he knows that her surrender will make the reward even more sweet.

Another trait our seducer has is charm. Within the seducer’s arsenal of charm is
his bone-melting, heart-stopping smile as well as his mischievous wit and debonair swagger. The alpha doesn’t have nor, in his opinion, need charm, being more the pillaging-and-conquering type. Whereas the seducer will toy playfully with his lovemate, luring her willingly into his seductive trap, the alpha tends to use the rough, caveman method. No need for alluring smiles when you have a club, eh?

I know I’ve teased my alpha relentlessly (I do love you so, you testosterone-laden beast) but both our alpha and our seducer have something in common. They always catch their women. And she always wants to be caught. 

I hate to even ask which one you prefer, because that seems rather unfair to choose just one. With all of the books waiting to be written and to be read, why choose one at all? I think it’s only fair we just read along and let that beguiling smile or that you-are-mine demeanor take you wherever he wants to lead you.

About Soulfire

 In a world divided by prejudice and hatred, only love can bridge the chasm.

Tensions are rising in the Gladium Province. The boundary between humans and Morgons has begun to blur. While the human aristocracy strives to maintain distance between their daughters and the dragon-hybrid race, fate has other plans.

As the daughter of the corporate king, Jessen Cade is duty-bound to honor her arranged marriage to a man she detests. Feeling trapped by family duty and a loveless future, she longs for more, straying to the Morgon side of the city.

Lucius Nightwing is the eldest son of the powerful Morgon clan, and the greatest enemy of Jessen’s father. When a bar-room brawl thrusts Jessen into his arms, his dragon roars to the surface, craving to sate his carnal hunger in the brown-eyed beauty. The beast in Lucius recognizes her as his own, even if the man refuses to admit the truth.

SOULFIRE by Juliette Cross
Nightwing Series, Book 1
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Romance
Publisher: Lyrical Press/Kensington Publishing Corp.
Release Date: October 20, 2014
Book Length: 109 pages

Buy Links for Soulfire:

About the Author
Juliette calls lush, moss-laden Louisiana home where the landscape curls into her imagination, creating mystical settings for her stories. She has a B.A. in creative writing from Louisiana State University, a M.Ed. in gifted education, and was privileged to study under the award-winning author Ernest J. Gaines in grad school. Her love of mythology, legends, and art serve as constant inspiration for her works. From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance--brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.

Author Links:



  1. Thank you so much for having me on today, Colette. You're the best. :)


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