Join me for Coffee with Mr Darcy's Dragon author Maria Grace
Good morning, dear readers! I am returning to Coffee with a special treat from Maria Grace ! I have teased Maria in the past for always having some sort of critter with her - from hummingbirds to donkeys - but now she has outdone herself, and certainly WOW-ed me, with Dragons at Pemberley! Once again, she never ceases to amase me with each new release. I am constantly blown away by her creativity! Just take a look.... ~Colette Mr. Darcy's Dragon As luck would have it, the humming birds I’ve written about on prior visits here with you, Colette, have morphed into something far more…interesting shall we say. Who knew fairy dragons possessed the very handy ability to masquerade as hummingbirds? Interesting things happen when they do though… Now for something completely an entire different-- and fun! Regency England is teeming with dragons, but only a select few are actually aware they are about. Fitzwilliam Dar...