
Showing posts from 2016

Join me for Coffee with Mr Darcy's Dragon author Maria Grace

Good morning, dear readers!   I am returning to  Coffee  with a  special treat from  Maria Grace !  I have teased Maria in the past for always having some sort of critter with her -  from hummingbirds to donkeys - but now she has outdone herself, and certainly WOW-ed me, with Dragons at Pemberley!  Once again, she never ceases to amase me with each new  release. I am constantly blown away by her creativity! Just take a look.... ~Colette Mr. Darcy's Dragon As luck would have it, the humming birds I’ve written about on prior visits here with you, Colette, have morphed into something far more…interesting shall we say. Who knew fairy dragons possessed the very handy ability to masquerade as hummingbirds?  Interesting things happen when they do though… Now for something completely an entire different-- and fun! Regency England is teeming with dragons, but only a select few are actually aware they are about. Fitzwilliam Dar...

Halloween Release! PRINT: Confession of Mr #Darcy, #Vampire Book II~Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth

Greetings, dear readers, and Happy Halloween! What an amazing weekend! Had an incredible time at the Louisiana Book Festival on Saturday! (Sold OUT of The Widow - even my own copy!) It was great to see so many repeat readers who had to search to find me... The Saints won on Sunday, and today is the Official Release of the hardback edition of Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth~Book II: The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire !  (By the way, today is the LAST DAY the eBook versions are on sale for only $2.99 !) If you haven't read Book 1: Pulse and Prejudice , it is now available in paperback, in addition to eBook, audio, and hardback . About Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth : Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave.  Song of Solomon 8:6  In this lurid, lusty sequel to Pulse and Prejudice, death shadows the newlywed Darcys from Pemberley to the parlors of Regency London to the courtyards of Ante...

Book Tour: Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth Book 2: The Confession of Mr #Darcy, #Vampire! #Giveaways #Sales

Greetings, dear readers! I decided that, as I am having a blog tour for Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth , and I also happen to have a blog, I might as well participate as well!  Not only are there GIVEAWAYS, but also the eBook version of Book II: The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire , is on sale for 40% off throughout October! (That's only $2.99 US!)  The print version will be available by the end of the month. PLUS - Book 1: Pulse and Prejudice is now available in paperback with a special introductory price of $13.50 - $4.50 off retail! It's available from Amazon , which is great if you have free shipping, or through Southern Girl Press for a dollar less, but then you pay for the shipping. So, without further ado, here is the blog tour post; HOWEVER, I have a special excerpt for you! Enjoy~ Colette Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth Book II:  The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire Colette L. Saucier Genre:  Historical paranormal romance Publisher...

The Novels of Colette L. Saucier